
What have you done NOW?



Long shadows and early nights

Fall is here. I’ve been out to take a few photos here and there, and these are the best of my collection so far. I kind of feel like hibernating. Not just sleeping a lot more… really hibernating. Maybe I’ll have a day or two where I eat food for hours at a time. I’ll bulk up with fat, and then curl up in a few warm comforters and fall asleep for 5 months. I can wake up sometime in April when the thaw is finished, and spring is here again! But then I’d miss a whole bunch of blog posts. Dilemma! While I decided, here are the latest and greatest photos:

Rusty fall texture
I really liked the texture of the paint on this power box. The rusty colour showing through was reflecting the colour of the leaves all around.
My crazy dog
A photo of my crazy dog zoning in on some squirrels. He is the same colour as a lot of the leaves. This is the season he camouflages well!
Super sunset
I liked the silhouettes created on this beautiful sunset and snapped a pic
Untouched sunrise
I had to be up ridiculously early for work and managed to catch this fiery sunrise. This photo is untouched! Crazy colours!
This is a picture of my dog waiting for me to say "OK" so that he can jump and get the stick. I like how he is just out of focus 🙂

Photo day: Week 16!

Can you believe I’ve been at this for almost 4 months now? Granted, there have been a few slips and slides, but I’m trying to roll with the punches. This little blog has come a long way – from being a creative motivator for me, to becoming a showcase for some pretty fantastic artwork! Let’s keep the ball rolling… Here are this week’s photos from yours truly! They are actually photos collected over the last two weeks, since I had a featured photographer in last Friday’s post 🙂

Don’t forget to click on the image if you want to see more detail, and have a spectacular Friday!

One foggy morning I went out to start my car. As I walked back to the house to make my tea, this was the sight I beheld!
On the way to a halloween party, I took some shots out the window as we were driving. This is the one of the fruits of my labour.
The first frost is always good and bad for me. It means it's going to get much colder, but just look how beautiful everything looks!
I had to capture these shadows in the parking lot. You only get to see shadows like this when the leaves have all fallen 🙂
This little guy was the last of his kind. I found a bunch on the ground, but they were all rotten. What beautiful colours!
Last night, lying in bed, I looked up at my spider plant, and I saw a monster in my bedroom! If you can make it out, you can see the crazy shadows that my spider plant makes on the ceiling when my printer light is on.

Photo day: Week 12

Happy Friday!! In a few weeks, I have a special treat for you. I’m having a guest photographer on! Meet DeE, she’s funny, smart, fantastic, creative, and amazingly talented at photography 🙂 DeE takes pictures of just about anything – beautiful self-portraits, quirky pictures of her dog, stunning landscapes and storyscapes, and gorgeous foliage and flora to mention a few. Here is a small sample of some of the goodies you will find on her flickr account… You’ll see more here in the near future!

DeE Photographer phembot

This brings me to my photos from this week. I had some interesting encounters with Autumn!


Fall foliage
On a local hike, I had to stop and take a picture of the unbelievable colours in the fall foliage!



Rainy sunset
I captured some rain dropping out of the clouds creating a beautiful, misty sunset!



Fall foliage Red
A closeup of a leaf changing colours...



Cheltenham Badlands
A photo of the Cheltenham Badlands. Clay and limestone meet erosion and form these beautiful hills!



Lychee hull
I had to capture a picture of my lychee hull one night at dinner. I just love the texture and form of these little things!


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